It was a beautiful day and we spent most of the morning at the park and out and about. Andy took KatyRo and had some bonding time...while I took Max and Lucy on a play date with my friend Lisa...who I've been so totally out of touch with these days. (Lisa is not only my BFF but my saint business partner)
After dinner we HAD to get out of the house...the kids had late naps and tons of energy to spare...too bad we cant harvest it...right?! Anyway, we decided to go to circuit city to test out a few cameras that I have been day dreaming about. The two main ones are the Canon Rebel XSI and Canon Rebel XS... since I will probably be forever saving for one of these mid range SLR's... I've posted above a few pics I took with the camera while we were there...(I brought my own disc if you're wondering how I got the pics home :)
The kids were Angel babes...and were cracking me up. Leave it to them to have a little "boobie" chat in the middle of the photo department at circuit city. Katy decided to strip down barbie to nothing and proceed to discuss with max her Barbie's "girl" anatomy. The talk was about how Max is not a girl because he does not have "boobies", but Max was retaliating with Katy telling her that she did not have boobies either.(eh, I agree max) Katy...OH Katy... started getting really animated about the conversation and all I could hear was her little 3 year old voice getting louder and louder...saying "boobie" every other word. I had to lay the "please ease up on the boobie talk until we get home guys"... I am not embarrassed about my children's body fascination... I was embarrassed for the 13 year old boy who was turning red faced listening to my two. Oh geeze...sorry about that :)
If you want to see more pics of the circuit city trip visit my gallery at the top of my left gadget bar...Anyway, after taking the chip home and reviewing... I think that the XS is the camera for me!!!
Notice that Lucy G has two new teeth coming in :)
1 comment:
ah, the boobie conversation :) lovely! love that last picture of max- beautiful! We are back in town...give ya a call tomorrow!
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