So, tonight I had a little talk with Katy about the paci fairy... I told her that one day when she decides that she is ready, we can mail her binky's to the paci fairy so that babies in the world who don't have paci's can use hers. In return the paci fairy will leave her a gift overnight to thank her. The catch...she won't be able to use her paci's anymore. She seemed on board...but wanted to make sure that I wasn't mailing off her paci's now because "mommy, I still need it!". In addition to the paci...she has...drum roll please... pink, green, fuzzy pink, brown (blankets) and dinosaur. Her bedtime routine usually consists of me scouring the house for her wardrobe of comfort blankets...lol. (can you tell my roburger is a princess...her bedroom is blinding me with pink.)
(lol...it looks like katy is stuck to the wall)
Yep, you guessed it...my kids are jumping on the furniture. Usually I take the cushions off of the couch and let them jump on the floor. Nope, I had a crazy bone tonight and let them go bananas!... I know, what was I thinking right?

Max has about had it with the camera in his face... He was mad at me for not pushing him on the swing.
Love the jumping pictures :) so much fun, good for you mom!
What kind of camera do you have, if you don't mind me asking, it takes gorgeous pictures, and we're in the market :)
Your kids are such cuties. We used to love jumping on the furniture!
looks like fun to me! You must have some bouncy cushions!
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