Max's preschool had there annual Apple Blossom Parade... where they dress up in pink, green and costumes to march down the old town mall where we live. Max got to be the drummer.... He was LOUD AND PROUD about his task... a parent pulled me aside and asked me if I had drums at the house... as it seems that Max really enjoys drumming... Yes, thank you Gamma Rose... we have drums at the house. :)
Don't read if you get queezy hearing about blood.... A few months ago Lucy got thrush (mouth yeast infection) and It spread to me... so I was very cracked and sore until we were both treated for the thrush. It took me some time to heal completely as Lucy had stopped nursing completely on my left side... so the right side was doing all of the work. Over the last 6 weeks I got really dry and cracked... and because Lucy is such an agressive eater I would bleed from time to time. Over the last 2 weeks the bleeding has gotten so bad she looks like a vampire baby after the nursing is over... blood on her shirt... running down her face... its pretty gross. She spits up... bright red/ purple blood and blood clots. YUCK!! She did this at the parade today and got a few double takes as both of us were covered in blood.
Okay, so now that Im done being gross... what do I do??? She only nurses on one side... and still nurses about 4-5 times a day...we are a while from being done.... yet I cant seem to heal and its only getting worse. Do I start pumping on the left to get milk going again?? And try and ease off the right side? Any cream suggestions?? I am not ready to quit over this... but somethings gotta give... Lucy will be preferring her steak rare if I do this much longer.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Drummer Max...Nursing Issues please HELP!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
photoshop fun
I thought Lucys outfit was fun today... my buddy sarah told me to take a picture.. I think I wasn't for the outfit but to document that she even had clothes on! Hahaha.. I liked the way this edit turned out... kind of looks like shes either floating (stuck to an orange wall with velcro..) or laying on her back. Whaddya think? To fakey?
Silly kids... crochet...How is "EC" going?? sign language
So the end of the school year it rounding the corner... May 21st is Max's last day of preschool... Then he starts kindergarden!!! Wowza, wowza, wowza! He has been talking about his "new school" everyday since I registered him 6 weeks ago. Katy is also VERY excited about starting preschool in the fall and staring her "ballet class" ... I am so proud of them... they are such beautiful and avid little thinkers. I love watching them grow and understand the surrounding world. Its really neat to see little revalations thru their eyes. .... little things about the world that you and I (as adults) easily over look daily.
I have decided that I am queen of half finished projects... I have maybe 2 hours left on my sweater... but now I cannot seem to pick it back up again. Granted there are few other pressing things going on... like moving in the next 3-4 weeks. As it stands right now... we are signing our lease agreement with the rental next friday... and moving in May 27th after our trip out to North Carolina. Andy and I are done playing games... we need to do whats best for our family.
EC... well... I don't know what happened with that... I think that Lucy decided that she was too busy to sit still on a potty anymore. I haven't EC'd here with any regularity since our trip to Floyd VA...over a month ago. I am feeling some guilt about it, we were doing so great. It seems that Lucy has better things on her adjenda. And Im not finding its so important to force her onto the potty... when she is clearly upset about being there. Anyway... we may start again soon once she is walking. Until then...
Baby signing... is still moving right along... like many other things right now... we could be more consistant with it.... but she is picking up on things very fast now that she is older. I am WAAAAY over due for a video... you will see a big difference since the last time I posted... fun, fun... anyhooo.... time to go pick up Max. HUGS everyone!!
Monday, April 27, 2009
upcoming events!
Well, first off...Lucy will be turning 1 on May 5th... cinco de mayo. I seem to have holiday babies. Katy is New Years Eve... Max is May 31... Labor day?? Memorial Day??? One of the two.. .for sure I was in labor... and it was memorable... ha! Anyway, I am short on time and I know that most of the family reads this... FAMILY?? ARE YOU OUT THERE??? What does everyone want to do for Lucy's 1st birthday?? Apple Blossom Festival is Next weekend and Mom and Ali will already be out here. ... We can do a small get together, party or something for Mini Me when I get back from the fair.... or we can just plan on doing it the following weekend. Rosie, Joe and Jackie... Of course we want everyone here... but I know you are far away... perhaps we can do something small and sweet when we come to see you at the end of May. Catherine... come on out with Nathan when we figure something out... (thats the key) ... or we can wait to see you during the trip... I know that you are a busy busy woman these days...I am so proud of you for working at this so hard!!
As I mentioned, my next Bundleboo event is this Sat-Sun at Jim Barnette Park... this is an "Apple Blossom" event called "Weekend at the park"... if you are in the area stop by and see us!!
Today is the day we find out whether we move or stay... I have been feeling my anxiety level go up over the last few days... altough I've still been able to keep a good perspective about things.
Any whoo... I just got a playdate call... so I think Im going to bug off the computer and get my kids outside before it gets too hot... hugs to everyone I hope you all had a fantastic weekend.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Panhandle Earth Day Festival- 2009... Beat this mommy brain!!
The earth day festival was really a lot of fun... very comfortable scene for me as most of the vendors and visitors there were like minded. Some very talented activists and artists for sure. I have never seen so many dread locks at one single event in my life. I had a few minutes to snap a few of the festival... see my flickr for those. Lucy was with me and was an angel earth baby all day...
So... I took the kids to McDonalds for some Ice Cream a few days ago as a treat for not making me suffer thru a photo job that I had. Lucy had her first Ice Cream cone and really enjoyed it. Lucy has had Ice Cream and diary before... cheese, yogurt, goat milk... but not Mc Donalds soft serve. When I am out with the kids sometimes its best for my stress level to simply "block out" the rest of the world and focus on them... I try not to let judging eyes steer my parenting. The kids were enjoying there cold treat and I started thinking about this weekends plans... todo list... house chores... the normal mind filling thoughts. I noticed that Lucy was COVERED in Ice Cream and her face was getting a little red from the cold (ended up being a slight allergic reaction also) ... At home If they are messy... I will use there clothes to clean them up... then wash the clothes (saves on papertowels...) If Im already a disaster I might use my shirt also. Soooo.. amongst my other thoughts... "take off shirt..." came into thought... .... .... without thinking again... I took off my shirt in the middle of McDonalds. ACK!!! So, here I am wondering why im sitting there in my nursing bra and shorts... holding my tank top in my hand. I couldn't get my shirt back on fast enough. I don't usually get embarassed about stuff like that... but I couldn't help but blush at the shocked McDonalds audience. (head in hands)... well, that tops this weeks "mommy brain" moments.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Earth Day Festival....New babies!!

As most of you know, I have a goat share... with which I receive raw goat dairy once a week. (more on raw goat milk HERE) I have not been receiving milk for the last 4 months so that Aimee could dry up and use the extra fat and energy needed to have healthy kids... in the last 36 hours Aimee gave birth to twins!! They are soooo adorable!! The one with the brownish face is the boy... "Sam"... and the white faced one "Sally".(Max and Katy got to name them) Aimee is a fantastic mama... very attentive to her new babies.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
You can't see me!!!
We had a busy morning... Katy insisted on wearing her christmas dress today... I got my 2 cents in with the converse sneakers (more fun photos in my flickr) for me!! We dropped off our way overdue sign language books at the library, picked up max from school and got our goat milk and eggs from the farm. Now im spending a few quiet moments catching up on emails and laundry.
Oh yeah and Happy Earth day everyone!!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
my computer geek... changing of the sizes

Lucy is doing her every 3-4month change of clothing sizes. Its easy to forget how much they grow that first year... mini me is growing into 12-18 month clothes already...and can even fit into some of sisters old 2T clothes. Lucy is starting to show some signs of walking readiness.... I'm glad that she is... because I'm not. I left her on her bedroom floor with the door open...walked across the house to fill a sippy cup... turned around 5 seconds later and she was indulging in the wet cat food on the kitchen floor. ICK! Its like that all day... she is not one to be confined... and would rather explore than be carried. So I've baby proofed as best I can... and hope for the best. Right now its 8:30 an time to get the kids off to bed. Good night!
Monday, April 20, 2009
facebook etiquette
A fellow blogger posted this on facebook the other day... I thought I would share it here... It made me giggle.

Sunday, April 19, 2009
Monday already?? Midnight marathon and the $10,000 baby
Its 12:30 and as I'm typing Lucy is crawling up a bald patch on the playroom carpet. Apparently the cat nap on the ride home was enough fuel for Lucy's midnight marathon. She's been crawling for a few months now but only today has she realized the full potential of mischief she can get into. Look out world! Shes in 4 wheel drive... full time... all the time. Its fun, but wow... I forgot how exhausting this phase can be. ....wait... whats that??? Lucy you're ready for bed... GREAT! Off I go too... tata for now! HUGS!
Mom genius... yum yum breakfast...Twitter
I have been trying to keep up with my homemade kefir.... but unfortunately there are a lot of other pressing things going on right now. I had to throw away my kitchen science experiment and trade it in for the store bought "lifeway" brand kefir. The kids actually like this much better than what I was making... I don't blame them... I like my kefir really tart. I cant get my kids to eat much these days, they have become really picky eaters. This week I've tried something yum and different for breakfast that even Lucy can eat. Its a mixture of baby cereal, strawberry kefir and defrosted mixed berries. They eat it cold like yogurt and love it... and its really good for them.
I recently joined the twitter movement. I don't know how much I will keep up with it... but there are times that I would like to say something that doesn't warrant an entire blog post... I am bundleboomama on twitter. I would like to put the twitter stream in my side bar.. but I don't know how... any advise? Can you reply to peoples twitter comments? Obviously I'm new at this but any input will help.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
kid art...4 generations

Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Enwrapture....crochet project

My birthday gift to myself arrived yesterday... has anyone heard of "Enwrapture vintage"??? I joined a Co-op group online where they all go in to buy bulk products and unbeatable prices. I don't usually shop for myself but I couldn't pass this one up at $8.50 per skirt... check out how cute these are!! HERE ... I bought 3 because they were so "me" I couldn't pass it up...but the catch was I wasn't able to choose what they send me. I will say... my first impression was... WOW these are really UGLY... truly the prints are horrendous, but in a really fun and trendy sort of way. (which really means I need to buy about 20 more because they are all I'm ever going to wear :) I found this YouTube video online to show you how they work.... perhaps I was drawn to them because I would still be able to wrap myself long after my kids have grown out of our Bundleboo's...haha!
Monday, April 13, 2009
dirty laundry...Happy Belated Easter!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Keeping it Real
I mention these things because they make me feel full...happy....sucessful. And really I want for nothing more...than a god filled, full, peaceful and happy life for my family. Simple isn't it??? Not really if you have to factor money into this equation. Whats life without challenges and loopholes...right?! Well, on this solid road to success we have officially reached our first speed bump. No one could have foreseen what the economy was going to do to so many families like ours...and we never envisioned that we would be in this position to even talk about it... foreclosure... yep, its a nasty dirty word... and the pit in a homeowners stomach. With inflated interest rates and deflated economy... we have been left upside down on a home that we can no longer afford to live in and cannot afford to get out of. Thank goodness that Andy has good job unfortunately, there is never a shortage of crime or people in trouble. Losing our home is definitely not the end all for us... we have SOOOO much to feel blessed and thankful for. I know this adventure coming for just another way for God to help us grow in our love for him and to strengthen our bond with each other. I believe we are not meant to know all of his intentions.
We are awaiting a few more calls from the mortgage company to see if there is a last ditch chance to save this bad situation... if not, we have been given another great oppurtunity right around the corner...literally... just a neighborhood away. I have been developing a wonderful relationship with one of my very first Bundleboo customers...she has become a close friend of mine over the last year...despite the fact that she lives in Germany with her family now. Her beautiful home came up on the rental listings at the right the right time... and its just what we need to feel at home again. Hmmmm... amazing how he works huh. So with that said, I feel at peace with WHATEVER happens. Goodness its late...gotta shove off to bed now. HUGS everyone!
Monday, April 6, 2009
relaxing weekend
We have alot going on here at the monkey ranch. But this weekend was a refreshing break from the crazy poo throwing. My sister in law...the one in the picture was so kind to invite me to her mother's farm in Floyd Va. We were so warmly welcomed and the kids made themselves right at home. The property is simply a kid paradise and the fresh air and views were amazing. The kids got to play with the baby animals... goats, chicks, ducks, dogs... what fun! I was honored to do a informal portrait session of Ali, baby Joey and the beaming new Grandma Suzanne. Check out my photo stream for this weekend's pictures.
I have a lot to update you all on since I've been in blog hibernation for the last few weeks... right now its past midnight and my head has turned into a pumpkin...and the hampster wheel in my head has stopped spinning... good night.