My birthday gift to myself arrived yesterday... has anyone heard of "Enwrapture vintage"??? I joined a Co-op group online where they all go in to buy bulk products and unbeatable prices. I don't usually shop for myself but I couldn't pass this one up at $8.50 per skirt... check out how cute these are!! HERE ... I bought 3 because they were so "me" I couldn't pass it up...but the catch was I wasn't able to choose what they send me. I will say... my first impression was... WOW these are really UGLY... truly the prints are horrendous, but in a really fun and trendy sort of way. (which really means I need to buy about 20 more because they are all I'm ever going to wear :) I found this YouTube video online to show you how they work.... perhaps I was drawn to them because I would still be able to wrap myself long after my kids have grown out of our Bundleboo's...haha!
Ooo I have ooggled the enrapture skirts forever (always a bonus if one can get it through a coop)
I want to learn to crochet! I can knit, but there are so many cool crochet patterns!
awe why didnt u get me one!! lol
So you are going to make a whole sweater this week? Wow. I'm impressed.
Can't wait to see how your crochet projects turn out! Love the skirt.
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