Wednesday, March 11, 2009


(SIGH) So I have officially been introduced to living with a feisty 3 year old girl. Its almost (...almost being the key word)...almost comical. I have never in my life experienced little girl tantrums until recently...well, at least the way Katy does it. Its so extreme that I don't even have the capacity at the time to feel embarrassed about the dramatic public display. Today was the worst one yet. Perhaps she was tired, hungry, needy or all of the above... but there wasn't any warning signs to be heard before the hurricane came roaring into our peaceful world this morning. Actually it was a fantastic morning. We met some close friends for story time at the library...ran around outside a bit (today was gorgeous) picked up some lunch on the way to pick up Max from preschool. Then it started. Oh goodness... what was they key off...I don't know. But I had to park 2 blocks from the school and she started her tantrum in the middle of a busy intersection. I had to pick her up by her armpit and drag her out of the road. Then she threw herself on the ground screaming..."hold me! hold me" ...I was carrying Lucy and simply could not hold her. So I offered my hand and she started screaming louder. So I started to walk away. "We have to get max out of school, and then I will sit and hold you." ... so she took her shoes off and threw them. ... so I picked up her shoes grabbed her hand and started walking... scream, scream, scream, scream, scream....all the way into Max's classroom. The tantrum didn't stop until we got home and I put her into bed. She fell asleep fast so it obvious now it was fatigue. But holy smokes!!!! Whats a mom to do?? I don't like to compare children but Max never threw tantrums like that... frankly this is a whole new territory for me. What do you do when your kids throw tantrums...I know someone else out there has a drama queen.


Awdrey said...

Ahhhh, yes, I mean NO, I don't know what that is (wink wink) It wasn't until our fourth was born and nearing the two's that I started to learn what a tantrum was. I'm still trying to figure out what is the best "thing" to do myself. So far, most of these have only hit at home, but something tells me, that our day is coming. Most of the time I just try to ignore it. Hubby not so much, he'll give a light, but stern "pop" on the bum. It's a tough call, especially out in public, away from your "safe" place. Obviously, you figured out that she needed a nap, but what to do when you can't provide what they need at a drop of a hat????
Oh, I love your new header:) Well good luck. If you figure out a magical spell that works, let me know :)

Sarah said...

Yikes! Well, I have a drama queen, too...just a different type, I guess. I know it's scary to see your sweet child act like a complete loon, though. Maybe she is just testing the waters...Max has been the ring leader for so long that maybe she's just trying to exert her own authority! :) Also, she's the middle child now..not the oldest or the youngest anymore. She might just be trying to find her place in the family. There ya Dr. Phil advice :)

Danielle said...

I think boys and girls are totally different. I could definitely see Eliza doing that someday. and I would just yank her along.

Renee said...

Are you sure you didn't have my daughter with you that day? :P We definitely have the stares in the grocery store as I'm carrying the baby in the sling with my 3yo screaming HOLD MEEEE! HOOOOOLLLLD MEE MOMMMMMY! AHHHHH! :S *hugs*