So a new friend of mine loaned me her baby bijorn potty and I LOVE it! Its a perfect size for Lucy G's little butt. Its compact like a potty bowl but has a wide base so that it doesn't tip over. I had it at the base of my bed last night with a cloth inside to soak up the pee. Soooooo much easier than getting up to take her to the toilet at 2am. I am always super excited about anything that makes ECing easier...Oh and I looked it up online...its $10 on the EC store.

We keep that same potty (red tho) in our car now. Its great and perfect for travel. Taite sits on big pottys now with out any trouble... but he used the baby bjorn until recently.
Im loving it! I really want the clear one tho...So I can praise as its happening.
I've heard other good stuff about that potty. I've have to look for one.
Oh that is cute! That'd be perfect for my toddler, her butt is too teeny for the toilet lol
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