So I have been brainstorming ideas of how to make easy acess pants for winter EC. This is my first cold season where I've even had to think about it. I find that I am a lazy EC mommy when I have to undress, undiaper and re-dress, re-diaper for every potty break. And Lucy does better signaling without clothes on... any suggestions on how to make EC pants or easy EC underwear for a 5 month old?
Wish I could help! I don't know much about Ec'ing- I find it interesting but think it is prob. too late with E!
You're awesome. I tried EC with my toddler when she was first born, but we had a lot of accidents. Apparently I wasn't doing such a hot job at it lol
With my newborn, I hadn't tried, but he's pretty evident when he has to poo, with the newborn grunts and all lol I probably should try, but I'm so exhausted I don't know.
Thank you for your encouraging words on my blog, I'm so happy to have had you visit :)
I love what you have to share so I will be visiting you here, I hope you don't mind :)
awww thank you! I understand exhausted believe me :) My sister in law is having her first child in a month and is interested in EC. Her baby is going into daycare so she's afraid that it wont work...I've told her that you don't have to be all or nothing with this.. if you know they are going to poop...do it then...it doesn't have to be an obsession...which I think she feels it has to be :) I look forward to hearing more from you!
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