Engage your children in the fundraising effort by leading them to do simple acts of kindness. Simple meaning: photograph your child holding the door for someone at the post office, picking up trash in a local park, bringing extra paper towels to your local SPCA or hugging their little brother or sister. (you may want to get you child's sports team or school involved to really make an impact) We want to see your pictures and hear the story of what your child did that was selfless... HOW DOES THIS RAISE MONEY FOR CHARITY??? You may choose to participate to help teach your child about being "selfless" or you can help further by making a small donation directly to the Katy-Ro tribute fund at "the smile train" website. We will make it a no-brainer by linking you directly there :)
1. Each "act of kindness" photo post earns "smile points". You may choose to donate as low as $1 ($1.00 = one smile point) per act of kindness submitted or as much as your family can afford ($5.00 = 5 smile points) However much YOUR donation Bundleboo will automatically donate $1.00 per act of kindness shared with the blog. 250 smile points = one free cleft lip and palate surgery for a child in need!!!
We will also offer incentives by awarding monthly prizes to families that are able to achieve 250 smile points...if you are a company that is interested in donating prizes to this cause please email Becky at info@bundleboo.com for more information. The blog will be up and running by the end of the week... I am accepting kindness submissions via this email now. You may make donations now to "the smile train" . Thank you!!!!!!!!!

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