So my husband and I have been trying to figure out if we should take katy in for a cleft lip revision or wait until she's old enough to decide if its something that she wants. It looks pretty good in this photo but the scar is a bit hard and some facial expressions show it more than others. We certainly don't care what she looks like... but we aren't thinking of ourselves...we want to do right by katy. Part of me doesn't want to put her thru another surgery... this would be her third. The other part of me doesn't want to wait until she gets teased to make a decision. Katy has such an amazing personality I'm afraid it will kill her spirit if she gets made fun of because of her scar.
Whats your take?
Well, honestly, it may bother her when she's older, and maybe she'll get teased, but i think how she reacts to the teasing will be partly a reslt of how you have acted around it, and how you react whn she says someone teased her.
I know you teach those kids to be positive about themselves, and I'm sure that although her feelings may get hurt, by teaching her that everyone's differences make them unique, she will be just fine. Kids can be cruel.
how does she feel about it now? Like, if you ask to check it out, touch it, etc? is she touchy about it? Obviously other kids arent going to touch it (or shouldnt be anyways!) but seeing how she reacts may be an indicator as to how she will react. Perhaps have a good friend ask her about it (in a nice way of course!) and see how she does there to.
Just some suggestions. I've not spent a lot of time with Katy, but I can tell she is a bundle of exploding personality!
I would wait until she asks about it or it becomes a concern for her. No need to put her through that or point out that she is anything less than perfect (you know she believes she is! :)
If she wants to fix it, then do it.
I love the idea of letting her choose for herself, but then again, I've never been in your shoes. I know you'll make the right decision!
I love the idea of letting her choose for herself, but then again, I've never been in your shoes. I know you'll make the right decision!
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