Andy...the big man to the left is my husband and my best friend. My momvolution has taken its toll on him at times, as he is not a big fan of change. I believe he trusts my instincts and is supportive of my all good intentions...although I don't think that he understands most of them.
Max and Katy-Ro are my two oldest children. Max is 4 and Katy is almost 3. I did breastfeed, babywear and co-sleep with both of them. Of course as a new mommy I took much advise from those who were experienced around me. Which meant initially I had to give into consumerism and "product parenting". I had everything from bouncy seats, strollers, pack and play, exersaucers, floor gyms, jumpers...(wow, looking back now...it seems that the product parenting market was doing as much as they could to keep me from carrying my children.) I will say that thankfully instincts kicked in at some point and thus the momvolution began. (really should say slingvolution)

I wanted to find an even better carrier to support a breastfeeding cleft affected infant while chasing after a toddler. (pheuf) ... after searching online I found out about ellaroo wrap carriers. With a little practice I quickly found confidence wearing it, and my "wrap carrier" became an essential part of daily living.
Wraps really brought the crunchy mama out of me...LOL. The public certianly had many comments about my "piece of fabric" carrier. Many concerns prompted a change. Thus my business making Bundleboo wrap carriers was born. Babywearing has not just been something fun to do with my kids...it truely has become a strong evolution of parenting. IMO babywearing has been the key ingredient to the rest of my attachment parenting practices. Since the birth of our third child Lucy this past May 2008, I have also enforced a "whole living" structure in our family life and daily routine. To include eating whole or Organic Foods, cloth diapering, EC (elimination communication), attachment parenting incorporating positive discipline/conscious parenting techniques and using Alternative (natural) remedies as a first line choice for prophylaxis or treatment. I am excited to publish this blog, in hopes to reach other like minded moms.
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