Sunday, December 27, 2009

The last few days...

So christmas has come and gone yet the aftermath is still Knowing my family..the aftermath will still be present until the first or second week in Thank you everyone for the wonderful gifts... to GiGi and GreatGrandma these are the boots im purchasing with my christmas cash..thank you!!!!! I've always wanted a pair of cowgirl boots!

I attempted to get a shot of Max today where he was making somewhat of a normal face.. this was an attempt.. I am working on him. We are also working on putting some fat on this boy... any ideas??????

Got this of Loodledoodle in the bathtub caption. "Get that camera out of my face or I will sooo hit you with this dolphin!"

1 comment:

GiGi said...

Love the boots I have two pair now and think they are the most comfortable shoes.