Reaching like-minded moms everywhere.
I am so excited to say that my photography business is taking off. I really can't thank everyone enough for your support especially my mother and grandmother. LOL... I sound like Im doing a speech for an oscar award. I have been posting a lot these days on facebook for a change of scenery. If you are interested in visiting me there I am at
my fan page... yes folks I've started a fan page..lol.. it has worked wonders with local networking and getting the word out.
Im really impressed with the amount of feedback about the extended nursing. Leave it to my mom to give the view from the other side :) I kind of agree...don't think that I would personally be comfortable nursing a toddler in public... the gawks and glares would detract from what ever moment I was having with my child. I know that right now I don't really nurse lucy in public anymore anyway because she doesn't want any sort of fabic in her face... Im more on the modest side of public nursing so... I could avoid the flashing session and she would rather not over heat under a blanket. Plus we are really not nursing during the day anyway. Now... don't get me wrong... I wouldn't judge another mother... infact I would applaud her. But I haven't quite reached bare all boob nazi status.. .almost there... not quite yet. 2 more babies... (lol... my mom just fell out of her chair... just kidding mom! ;)
So this sweet girl in the photograph is Casey... I met her at the park.. well actually Max and Katy befriended her and she played with them for over an hour. I asked he if she would model for some graduation photos (more portfolio work) and she agreed. They turned out really fun... they are here. She is awesome with my kids and seems really excited about babysitting. So my plan is to utilize her when Andy is working so that I can schedule more photoshoots and not worry about what to do with the children. Plus im sure the kids can use a few hours every now and then away from me...lol. We'll see what happens when she goes back to school :)
Anyway, off to get somemore chocolate cake from the kitchen...mmmmm.
Its really a rather gross day today... I have a laundry list of things that need to get done, to include finding the motivation to get this stuff done. I'm letting the kids vegetate in front of the TV while I do... well... absolutely nothing. Hey, I'm entitled every now and then :)
I made Jam for the first time this week... Fresh picked strawberries, some frozen blueberries and black berries... organic raw sugar... and lemon juice. No pectin in this recipe so it was a little loose... but soooooo delicious. We put it on our pancakes yesterday instead of syrup... mmm mmm mm.
Max and Katy have been spending a lot of time playing with Lucy these days. Its really cute and they are very good with her. Katy got VERY jealous yesterday when Max told her that he wanted to play with Lucy without her :( ... didn't see this one coming.
I guess I should probably get something productive done now.
come see some of my recent projects at http://www.rgonzalezphotos.com/ I would love your feedback and suggestions.
So I've been busy. Our home AC unit crapped out on us today for a whole 8 hours my house was an oven... man Im spoiled...I cannot imagine living in a home without AC in the summer time. BLEH.
So this summer has been interesting with the children and nudity. Max and Katy are both getting old enough were they need to start learning modesty. For the most part I really don't care if they walk around the house naked... but THEY have no quams about going outside naked. That is where Andy and I are trying to draw the line. How do you teach your children about modesty without making it seem like we are trying to shame their bodies?? I think this really started when Katy answered the door when the UPS man knocked... butt naked. First problem of course is the children should never EVER answer the door to strangers. Miss Burger doensn't know strangers... and doesn't have a shy or timid bone in her body. Off topic a little bit... speaking of not being shy... an old man stopped us at walmart to oogle the baby... I had not said word one... and Max and Katy had introduced all of us and proceeded to ask this man if he was a grampa... and why don't you have any hair?? Im glad that he found it fresh and amusing.. I however... was ready to crawl under the shopping basket. Oh goodness, what are they going to say next?? Okay so back to nudity... how and when do you teach your children about modesty?? I am afraid I will comprimise body image... but Im getting frustrated.
So I've been back and forth with the R.Gonzalez identity... its been changing at least everyother week.... I think i've decided on a final signature and website feel. Here is my new signature and banner... what to you think? I know the Signature is hard to read... but its definatly distinguishing and looks good on the corner of photos.
For the last week I have been finalizing the sneak attack of andy's Saturday surprise birthday party. It went over with a bang... he had no idea it was coming. Happy 36th sweetie!!!
Its been a bit warmer here over the last few days... it was averaging 56 for the last week before the weekend came... thank goodness because the party was outdoors. We spent some quality backyard time. Lucy just loves the water... and Katy painted the swing set with water and clover flowers. Andy took max fishing today... so it was just the girls and I... pretty lazy day overall.
I had a photo shoot of this sweet baby girl this afternoon... I had so much fun!!! see here for the gallery.
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